Skyscape Comes to the Rescue of Emergency Medical Technicians
Skyscape(R) Inc, a leading provider of enterprise-wide mobile medical and nursing solutions, today announced the availability of six new PDA references for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and other first responders from Pearson Prentice Hall and Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. These titles are designed to provide information for emergency medical personnel in a wide variety of situations, including communicable disease treatment guidelines and terrorism response. Group licensing is available for HAZMAT/DMAT teams and homeland security personnel.
"EMTs are often the first trained medical personnel that people encounter in an emergency setting. They deal with a wide spectrum of cases typically under adverse conditions. It is essential they have access to the most up-to-date, portable diagnosis and treatment information at their fingertips, so they can determine and initiate the proper treatment," said RJ Mathew, vice president of marketing and business development, for Skyscape.
"While working in the critical care transport environment, I run across different situations all the time. I don't have the resources available to me in the helicopter," said William Cyr, RN/EMT-P with Boston MedFlight. "With Skyscape powered references for my PDA, I can quickly review relevant information and provide immediate treatment."
The new Skyscape-powered references, which are available today, are:
-- Communicable Diseases and Infection Control for EMS--The first text on communicable diseases and infection control designed specifically for the pre-hospital care provider, this handheld resource provides concise information on the full spectrum of bloodborne and airborne illnesses that may be encountered on the job--and details the personal protective measures that can be taken to avoid infection.
-- Pocket Reference for EMTs and Paramedics, 2nd Edition--This handy handheld reference provides easy access to the vital emergency information needed by pre-hospital personnel.
-- Pocket Emergency Medicine for PDA--Gives house staff and medical students instant access to the essential information they need for patient care in the emergency department via their PDA. Users can quickly search an alphabetical list of 57 chief complaints or a listing of head-to-toe traumatic injuries, pediatric emergencies, or environmental exposures and get succinct, bulleted information on history, typical findings, critical studies, and ED interventions.
-- Pocket Reference for the EMT-B and First Responder, 2nd Edition--A must-have for every EMT-B and First Responder. The handheld software is written specifically for EMT-Bs and First Responders and complements all Brady First Responder and EMT-Basic references and includes skills sequences taken from Brady's best-seller, Emergency Care Student Workbook 9/E.
-- Terrorism Response: Field Guide for Fire & EMS Organizations-- This handheld reference provides the basic information necessary for every emergency responder when combating terrorism. It includes information on chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism, explosives, cyber-terrorism as well as response procedures and decontamination. This reference pulls together the most useful government guidelines, recommendations, and protection requirements all in one place.
-- Weapons of Mass Destruction: Emergency Care--The only handheld text on this subject written by EMS providers for EMS providers, this is a comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of a rapidly emerging field.
References are available at Homeland security personnel and state HAZMAT and DMAT teams should contact Skyscape at for purchasing options.
"I find Skyscape products extremely useful in my role as a DMAT Unit Commander," states Churton Budd, RN, EMT-P, Unit Commander of The Toledo Area Disaster Medical Assistance Team.
Bringing the Power of smARTlink to First Responders
Skyscape's patented smARTlink(TM) technology enhances digital content and brings critical information to EMTs and other first responders in a context they can use--reducing the time needed to spend consulting information and adding value by enabling complex queries and access to the latest disease, drug and drug interaction information. The smARTlink functionality allows medical professionals to easily cross-index with other clinical and drug prescription products from Skyscape, especially concerning interactions between drugs for multiple conditions.
All Skyscape-powered references dynamically cross-index via the smARTlink functionality on the handheld. For example, if an EMT was en route to treat a trauma victim, she could quickly review treatment guidelines for neck injuries in Pocket Emergency Medicine. After reviewing the guidelines, the EMT can then, with a single click, check DrDrugs to determine the best drugs to treat specific traumas, based on the patient's indication of what other drugs they are taking.