"Easy way to keep up with 10 surgeries, 5 doctors & 23 prescriptions a month. I'd be lost without it"
I guess if you are in the same boat as this satisfied user, you would appreciate software like
ProfileMD Classic - now updated to version 1.04
ProfileMD Classic is a FREEWARE personal health record that can give you instant access to your medical history in case of emergencies, physician office visits, or anytime you need the details of your medical history around-the-clock, anywhere in the world from your PalmOS PDA.
ProfileMD can help reduce medical errors by providing rapid access to accurate medical information.
ProfileMD can help cut down on redundant tests, procedures, treatments, and vaccinations by recording this crucial information.
Well I sometimes wish my patients would be more accurate and forthcoming with details of their medical history and if more patients had PDAs running software like this I am sure your doctors would be well pleased.